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Owning Our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we'll ever do.

- Brene Brown

    My work portrays resiliency and transformation through depiction of the natural world. The vocabulary of symbolism is vast and helps me identify aspects of the natural world  which project resilience and strength. Acutely inspired by the struggles within us, my paintings and assemblages attempt to create a bridge between the beauty of the tangible and the internal experience. I am deeply inspired by the darkest stories of those who have graced my life. Bearing witness to their mythos has given me the incredible gift of watching beauty blossom from the darkest scars.


     While my subject matter may vary, all of my work connects to the same base ideas. In the beginning of my exploration into creating works with meaning I fell into an investigation into strong female figures within mythology. This in turn led to the symbolism of the animal kingdom, honestly because I felt animals might sell. My focus shifted again to examining  the language of flowers. I love how something so incredibly beautiful could grow from absolute darkness. The more I studied the effects of trauma in the classroom the deeper this love grew. The pandemic taught me to be authentic and not worry about what may sell. My new work is strange, but it is mine and it celebrates the people who have helped me to become me.

     Each series begins in response to life events and realizations. I begin with words and messy maps of the connections that arise between thoughts, feelings and observations. History and popular culture often weave into these conceptualizations through sketches and quotes from authors that resonate. These tenacious, often chaotic, clusters of ideas are followed by immersion into the works of social researchers, philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientists. The byproducts of trauma and the human condition are fascinating. The academic investigation helps me process the feelings I want to convey. When these ideas merge I begin to pull imagery to anchor this learning.


An art that heals and protects its subjects is a geography of scars.
-Wendell Berry

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